
Our Learning and Teaching programs at Perseverance Primary School

(mathematics & English)

Here at Perseverance we understand that the process of student learning is complex and that in our classroom we have a diverse range of abilities, student interests and preferred learning styles. We are mindful of this when planning and implementing our learning programs. We believe all students can experience success with their learning provided they are offered a supported, stimulating and varied learning environment.

We believe we promote student learning through:

  • Creating a calm and positive learning environment that promotes self-confidence, enthusiasm and high levels of engagement
  • Having high expectations for all learners and providing learning experiences that strengthen students’ self-esteem and self concept through academic and social success.
  • Providing the opportunity for our students to reflect on their own learning through writing and one-one conferencing.

Our mathematics classroom is conducted on the basis of enquiry and investigation where the children experience mathematics in a real life context and have extensive opportunity for ‘hands on’ activities. We also acknowledge that there are times when mathematics teaching needs to involve the explicit instruction of information.

In our classroom the children are offered a varied array of literacy development activities including the use of learning centres, writing conferences and the ideas put forward in the ‘Early Years’ and ‘Middle Years’ programs. We employ strategies that highlight the links between oral language and literacy development. Most genres of literature are explored and we aim for our students to become ‘critically literate’, where they can assess and evaluate the information that they take in every day.